
Room 3 - Level 4 

11:40 - 12:40 


Talk (60 min)

Migrating from a monolith to a new service

This is a story about how our team at Stack Overflow split out a small feature from a monolithic application into its own microservice. We moved the data to a new database, rebuilt the UI as a microfrontend using a new framework, and managed to deploy it without any downtime.


In this talk, we’ll show how we used the Strangler Fig pattern and techniques from DDD to choose our domain. We'll dive into the challenges with Eventual Consistency, multi-tenancy, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), and many more. You'll hear the choices we made, along with other options we considered, and what we learned from this experiment.

Connell Sharp

After falling in love with coding in 2005, Connell became a fan of software architecture and design, and now spends a lot of time drawing boxes and arrows to help visualise concepts.

This led to the creation of his YouTube channel @DrawingBoxes, which establishes a simple animated visual presentation style shared by his talks and blog.

Always an advocate for developer communities, he co-organises the .NET Notts meetup, and now works at Stack Overflow where he continuously improves the site enabling communities worldwide.