Profile picture of speaker named Egil Hansen

Egil Hansen

Distinguished Developer at Delegate, Microsoft MVP, creator of bUnit and AngleSharp.Diffing.

Experienced software developer/architect, international speaker, and Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, with a strong focus on creating maintainable software that solves real business problems in the cloud and on-prem, using techniques and practices such as domain-driven design, test-driven development, and following clean-code principles.

Egil is also the creator and maintainer of bUnit, an open-source library for testing Blazor components, and AngleSharp.Diffing, a library for semantic comparison of HTML in C#.

Egil has worked with many technology stacks and architectural patterns throughout his career. He is now primarily focused on the .NET ecosystem, including backend and front-end technologies, and developing solutions running in the cloud.

Talks and workshops